Clinical Evaluations
Monarch CleanStream
Air Techniques
- 33 Clinical Evaluators
- 694 Total Uses
- 91% Clinical Rating
Evaluators’ Comments
- “The dispenser is the best part. Very easy to use and easy to teach new people with no guess work. This design is a win.”
- “The fresh smell is amazing!”
- “It really does eliminate odor in the evacuation lines.”
- “We experienced improved suction after just one use.”
- “Can suction hands free and use in multiple rooms without having to refill after each room.”
- “Our suction lines didn’t always stay attached to dispensing container.”
- “It took a little longer than our current method.”
- Cleans and deodorizes evacuation lines for all wet and dry vacuum systems
Clinical Tips
- Be patient, check your suction power for comparison
- Important to use at the end of each day
- Be sure to hold the container while flushing the lines, or else the container will tip, and the hoses will detach
Monarch CleanStream evacuation line cleaner is:
- Designed for daily cleaning, penetrates and helps remove line buildup, while maintaining vacuum performance and increasing suction
- A non-foaming, non-enzymatic concentrated formula and lasts up to 5 days if pre-mixed
- Compliant with BMP for dental amalgam waste, non-oxidizing and has a pH of 7-8
- Non-corrosive
Unique Attributes
- Innovative dispenser system with Vortex™ technology to atomize the mixture to clean the entire tubing walls.
- The system holds enough line cleaner for two operatories. When one operatory is complete, it automatically stops suctioning and is ready to move to the second operatory.
- Many clinical evaluators saw enhanced suction power of up to 43% in underperforming operatories.
- The use of flowmeters increased the evaluators’ awareness of the importance of suction power, which is critical for effective aerosol capture.