Clinical Evaluations
G-aenial A'CHORD
GC America, Inc
- 33 Clinical Evaluators
- 723 Total Uses
- 94% Clinical Rating
Consultants’ Comments
- “I redid anterior bonding on a bride to be and she said she couldn’t tell that it was even filling material.”
- “Creates invisible restorations.”
- “Excellent composite that should be in every dentist’s restorative tool kit.”
- “Excellent handling with predictable shade matching and esthetics.”
- “I really liked the handling and sculptability of the composite. It was firm yet very pliable and could spread it with a light brush like stroke.”
- “In anterior situations where I would otherwise have to layer different shades, G-aenial A’CHORD blended closely.”
- “I felt like this was a firm material.”
G-aenial A’CHORD is a simplified unishade universal composite:
- Five core shades to cover the spectrum of the 16 classic Vita shades.
- Unique filler technology that mimics natural light reflection.
- Non-sticky Bis-MEPP monomer and optimized filler-monomer combination to improve handling.
- Uniform nanofiller distribution and high filler load for exceptional polishing.
- Offer an extended portfolio of cervical, opaque, enamel, and bleach shades to further customize the esthetics.
Clinical Tip
- Have the outline of the shade system on hand for reference to determine what shade or combination of shades you need.
Unique Attributes
- Simplified shade system of five core shades.
- Natural looking results.
- Natural fluorescence.
- Direct restorative for Class I, II, III, IV and V cavities.
- Direct restorative for wedge-shaped defects and root surface cavities.
- Direct restorative for veneers and diastema closure.