Clinical Evaluations
Premier Universal Primer
Premier® Dental Products Company
- 26 Clinical Evaluators
- 468 Total Uses
- 93% Clinical Rating
Consultants’ Comments
- “A simple and easy product that is well worth the additional time.”
- “Premier Universal Primer is very simple to use.”
- “If it actually improves bonding, then I would rate it higher and switch.”
- “Waiting for 2 minutes is too long.”
- “Clearer instructions that no etching is required would be good.”
- “I prefer letting it set undisturbed for 1.5 minutes rather a quick cure prior to excess removal.”
Clinical Tips
- Only dispense the primer when you are ready to use it as it evaporates quickly.
- Make sure to leave it on the surface for an adequate time and let it dry.
- Leave it on the surface undisturbed for 2 minutes, before drying it gently for 20 seconds with oil-free air and then proceeding with bonding.
- Ceramic materials, including porcelain and zirconia
- Can also be used to prepare fractured ceramic crowns prior to repair
- Applied to the inner surface (intaglio) of ceramic crowns, veneers and inlays
Premier Universal Primer is a one-bottle primer/surface conditioner that:
- Is formulated to improve bond strength to resin-based cements, without the need for sand blasting or other conditioning
- Is applied liberally after cleaning the ceramic surface with alcohol and drying it with oil-free air
- Has a low viscosity and wettability help it flow and coat the surface
- Comes with a mixing well, microbrushes and a laminated procedure card