Are the waterless disinfecting soaps effective?

They work if the hands are not dirty, that is contaminated with body fluids such as saliva, blood, or exudate.

When hands are not visibly soiled, the waterless hand hygiene agents are useful and effective as alternatives to traditional hand washing with liquid soaps or antiseptics.

If hands are visibly soiled, then only soap and water or antiseptic hand washes with soap and water should be used.

The use of waterless hand hygiene agents has been shown to be effective in a number of health professional settings in part because they have fostered better an increase in hand washing compliance. Accumulated data have shown that increased compliance is translated to lower hospital-acquired infection rates.

However, there is a note of caution that also must be included. If a person has dry skin, these agents may further the problem. Many of the newer products contain emollients like glycerin and aloe vera, which help moisturize the epithelium and reduce dryness and cracking.