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G-aenial Sculpt with G-premio Bond (2 Yr)

GC America, Inc

Consultants’ Comments

  • “The esthetics are excellent and the material blends very nicely with the surrounding tooth.”
  • “Very nice results.”
  • “No complaints – very nice material to work with.
  • “The surface looked very nicely polished at two years.”

Clinical Evaluation Protocol

A total of 144 G-aenial Sculpt restorations were initially placed and 108 restorations were recalled at two years. The restorations were bonded with G-premio Bond. Of the recalled restorations 56% were molars, 41% premolars and 3% were anterior restorations (Figure 1). The majority (76%) of the recalled fillings were Class II, while (16%) were Class I and the rest (8%) were a combination of Class III, IV and V (Figure 2). Sixteen percent of the recalled restorations had been in function for one year, 35% were in function from one to one and one half years, and the remaining 49% were in function for about two years (Figure 3).

Results at Two-Year Recall:

One hundred and eight G-aenial Sculpt restorations bonded with G-premio Bond were recalled at two years. These were evaluated in the following area: esthetics, resistance to fracture/chipping, resistance to marginal discoloration, and wear resistance. All restorations were rated on a scale of 1 to 5: 1 = poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5 = excellent.


Eighty-nine out of 108 G-aenial Sculpt restorations received a rating of 5 or excellent and 19 restorations received a rating of 4 or very good. Thirteen of the restorations that received a 4 that was due to opacity, the remaining six had slight staining at the margin. Overall, the esthetics were excellent and the restorations blended very well with the surrounding tooth structure (Figure 4).

Resistance to Fracture/Chipping

At two years, all G-aenial Sculpt restorations with one exception exhibited no fracture or chipping. One restoration chipped at the marginal ridge and only required smoothing and polishing. None needed to be replaced (Figure 4).

Resistance to Marginal Discoloration

One hundred and two of the recalled G-aenial Sculpt restorations received a rating of five or excellent and only six received a rating of four. These six restorations exhibited slight staining at the margin but did not require replacement (Figure 4).

Wear Resistance

None of the 108 recalled G-aenial Sculpt restorations exhibited any wear (Figure 4).



One hundred and eight G-aenial Sculpt restorations were recalled at two years. Overall, G-aenial Sculpt received excellent ratings in the areas of esthetics, resistance to fracture/chipping, resistance to marginal discoloration, and wear resistance. G-aenial Sculpt with G-premio Bond received a clinical performance rating of 98% at two years.


Over the two-year period, the clinical performance of recalled G-aenial Sculpt crowns was exceptional. Esthetics, resistance to fracture/chipping, resistance to marginal discoloration, and wear resistance were excellent.


G-aenial Sculpt is a universal composite with nano-filler technology. The composite is radiopaque and very easy to pack, sculpt and polish. It is designed to be wear resistant and self-polishing to increase polish and luster over time. Due to its chameleon effect, G-aenial Sculpt blends with the surrounding tooth structure well.