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  • 42  Clinical Evaluators
  • 542  Total Uses
  • 92%  Clinical Rating

Consultants’ Comments

  • “Good working time, accurate impressions.
  • “The consistency and accuracy were very good.”
  • “The Rigid Tray material was very accurate and set fast.”
  • “Great handling of material, hydrophilic properties, and fast set time.”
  • “The Bite registration material was very quick to set, and rigid/stable after setting.”
  • “Great impression and Bite Registration material. My assistants loved it.”


Accur8 is a vinyl polysiloxane material available in 3 viscosities, Heavy Body, Rigid Tray, and Light Body, as well as a Bite Registration material. The impression material is available in both fast set (2:45 min) and regular set (5:30 min). The Bite Registration material is available with one set time (1:15 min).




Unique Attributes

  • Heat-activated, quick setting time begins upon intraoral seating.
  • Better material flow to reduce light-body displacement and improve accuracy under 2 microns.
  • High tear strength and easy removal for distortion free impressions.

Clinical Tips

  • Rigid Tray material is excellent for provisionals.
  • With the Heavy Body material, you should use less than what you would typically put in the tray because the material spreads nicely, especially if using a triple tray.
  • When using the rigid tray to make provisionals, make sure to use a somewhat flexible impression tray, otherwise it can be too rigid.
  • Move quickly with bite registration.


  • To be used for the purposes of creating, via impression, a reproduction of tooth and gum structure.